On Saturday November 9 Leesville’s Speech and Debate Club observed a tournament at Cary High School. The tournament lasted from 9 a.m. until well into the after noon, but Leesville students left at 2 p.m.
At the tournament students spectated their own speech/debate event. These events included Lincoln-Douglas and public forum debate, as well as student congress. The tournament came at a critical time, as the Speech and Debate Club is in its first year observing the debates provided crucial experience to the members attending.
Cary Schellenberger, senior at Cary Academy and varsity Lincoln-Douglas debater, advised Leesville debaters by saying, “…one, find an event or events that you love and two, do that event as much as you can, not only tournaments but also in terms of practice.”
Aubrey Helman, junior, said, “I did not expect to be that intimidated, or there to be so many people there. Everyone was in suits and had laptops or briefcases.”
Altogether students walking away from the tournament felt more confident, yet anxious, and excited for their first year of speech and debate. They said they had a more concrete idea of how it all works, whereas at club meetings everything seemed theoretical and up-in-the-air.
The Leesville Speech and Debate Club will return to Cary High School in the spring to compete themselves in a tournament.
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