As spirited and as giving as Leesville is, it was no surprise that a project such as Pride Pole took off. Pride Pole is Leesville’s take on an Angel Tree. Basically, anyone part of the Leesville community picked up a “lion” representing a current Leesville student and/or their younger sibling(s). The children, who are anonymous, do not have a stable housing situation.
It’s not just students who got involved. Mrs. Symes, receptionist, said, “[The lions were] open to the community, but a lot of our Leesville teachers…band[ed] together and [took] those lions and [did] the shopping. A lot of them [did] it as a group and [took] a family…or they [took] an individual student’s lion and [gave] back that way.”
Luckily, it is most likely that none of these will be left out come the holidays. “A lot of staff…c[a]me through [and took lions as well as] a couple parents. We normally get all of them accounted for.”
All gifts were given to Dr. Huber of Student Services by December 10 and will be distributed to their respective recipients.
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