Facebook receives a “facelift”

Recently, Facebook celebrated its 10-year anniversary. Through the many highs and lows, the company has brought in new innovative features, including but not limited to: a live news feed, a message board, and timeline.

Now, news and social media have given birth to its first child, Paper. Facebook released the app last month, and it already tops the charts in the iTunes App store.

The app functions as a personal news blog, where users can view pictures and posts as in Facebook. Paper allows easy browsing through the content, tabs, and friend’s profiles of its users.

Along with their profile, users can customize their front page. The feature provides sections for people of all interests. For example, Score provides the latest sports news and commentary from sports journalists, casual fans, and even famous athletes.

Other sectional feeds include: Enterprise (finance and business), pop life (pop culture), Creators (innovation), Flavor (for foodies), Exposure (photojournalism), Ideas, Equalize (Gender Equality), Planet (science and environment), City (urban culture), Well Lived (travel and fashion, Family Matters (for parents), Cute (cute stuff), LOL (comedy), Glow (beauty), Home (home and garden decoration), and Pride (LGBT community).

The app is well laid out; stories and posts are easily navigable. Given the simplistic layout, it should not be surprising when Paper eventually supplants the old mobile Facebook layout.

Aside from everything mentioned above, there is little else to say about the App. Paper functions as Facebook’s stylish cousin: it dresses to impress with great visuals though little innovation.

Paper scores a 4 out of 5 stars. The app is a user-friendly, visually impressive app capable of rejuvenating the Facebook brand. Best of all, it is ad-free. Facebook’s new app will not change the overall face of social networking; however it will not disappoint those who try it out.


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