On February 13, Leesville chorus students will grace classrooms with their love themed tunes. Singing Valentines are back for their yearly appearance.
Singing Valentines include a song to a student/teacher of your choosing, as well as a handwritten message and a red carnation. This year, the song choices are “Come and Go with Me,” “Thank You for Being a Friend,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “Happy Together,” “Lucky” and “Lean on Me.”
Caroline Evans, a sophomore chorus student, is looking forward to this year’s round of Singing Valentines.
“I just like singing a lot, so anytime I get to sing to people, I like it. It’s [also] fun to embarrass your friends when you get to sing to them,” said Evans.
Although Evans thoroughly enjoys singing to her peers, she admits that it can be awkward at times.
“Sometimes it’s kind of awkward when you’re singing a love song to someone because you’re in front of the whole class and everyone’s kind of looking at you, and you’re like ‘I’m not actually in love with you, I’m singing for someone else,’” said Evans.
Evans also admits that class participation really makes or breaks the effect of Singing Valentines.
“There are some classes that stare at you like weirdos. [Other] classes join in and sing or move along, and that’s cool,” said Evans.

For those interested in purchasing a Singing Valentine, applications will be on sale Wednesday, February 5 through Monday, February 10 in the main lobby during all lunches. The valentines are $4 a piece or $10 for three. Chorus students will be delivering them on February 13 during first and second period classes.
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