The National French Exam was administered March 6; the National Latin Exam, however, is scheduled for March 13.
Each exam requires enrollment in any level of the pertaining language course and a four dollar fee for Latin and free for the French. When those requirements are met, there are two review sessions on the Tuesdays and Thursdays prior to the exam day.
The review sessions include practice exams in order to acquaint oneself with the diverse questions.
Andy Lam, sophomore, finds value in the Latin practice, said, “We learn about participles and infinitives, so I think that is going to help me.”
Lam plans to prepare diligently for the test. “[I will] study, a lot. And…[go to] Mrs. and Dr. Mash for help.”
Jakob Oury, sophomore, has already taken his French exam. Being his first time taking the test, Oury did not quite know what to expect. “No one really told me it would be easy or hard. It was harder than I thought [it was going to be] going in.”
But, Oury finds that the work is worth it, saying, “If you do really well [on the exam], colleges will see that, and it can basically help your chances of getting into a really good college.”
Another benefit: awards go to those who score high enough. First and second place receive medals and certificates while third place and honorable mentions receive certificates. Scholarships are also available through the National Latin Exam organization.
Those wishing to prove their lingual prowess can do so through the National French and Latin exams every year in March.
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