On Thursday March 6, Leesville’s Political Club assembled in Room 124 to discuss many controversies both in the US and the global sphere. The issues on hand involved the escalating conflict in Ukraine and Crimea, as well as world powers such as US and Russian intervention, followed by the lighter matter of the Boy Scouts’ disputed policies on gay troop leaders.
The meeting began on the topic of Ukraine. After a brief synopsis on the revolution currently occurring in the Ukraine and the many overlapping origins of the conflict both historically and politically, the debate shifted towards the matter of US and international involvement.
The overall prevailing opinion of the group was that Crimea should be able to join with Russia because of a storied history of ethnic Russian inhabiting the peninsula and the recent resolves by the Crimeans asking to join Russia. However, the group did specify that if Russia were to continue its military action and invasive policy currently occurring, then action by international forces would need to step in.
Afterwards, political club had an exchange of ideas over the contrast in Boy and Girl Scott policies on LGBT members. Ben Cox, an Eagle Scout, expressed a unique inside-perspective on the organization.
Heather Crew, sophomore, said, “I really enjoy Political Club because politics is no longer a taboo and intelligent people are given the opportunity to present their diverse opinions and world views.”
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