As an unapologetically critical fan of Mylo Xyloto, Coldplay’s pop inspired fifth studio album, the impending release of Ghost Stories, their sixth album, inspired hope that Coldplay would return to its alternative roots.
“Midnight” and “Magic”, two of Ghost Stories’ nine tracks, however, revealed two distinct stylistic techniques of oldschool and pop Coldplay.
Initially, the naturalistic, X-ray styled music video and eerily sung lyrics for “Midnight” did not meet expectations of a slow and meaningful come back song typical of classic Coldplay. Individually, I enjoyed “Midnight’s” video and song, but together, the trippy video and echoing lyrics did not mesh together.
Released March 3, “Magic”’s aesthetic cover features an unmoving dove with intricate details matching that of Ghost Stories’ album cover. “Magic”’s fast beat and slow vocals seems promisingly similar to X & Y, Coldplay’s third album but lacked the lyrical depth which made X & Y an unforgettably dramatic and authentic emotional album.
Considering the meaningful lyrics and stunning video of “Atlas”, Coldplay’s first single following Mylo Xyloto for the The Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack, it was hard not to be disappointed by their follow up singles “Midnight” and “Magic”.
While Ghost Stories may not live up to classic Coldplay, it is exciting to know that they are continuing to grow and expand from Mylo Xyloto’s borderline bubblegum pop sound. Unlike many pessimistic fans, I refuse to give up hope that Ghost Stories has the potential to embody the dark and charismatic tracks which made Coldplay’s albums, Viva La Vida and Rush of Blood to The Head masterpieces.
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