![The comedic pairs’ chemistry is often shown in the wacky dialogues featured in their sketches. Here the two pose as a rebellious-looking couple insisting upon their own ideas, playing off of personalities in Portland.](https://www.themycenaean.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/portlandia-300x219.jpg)
Anyone familiar with Fred Armisen is also familiar with his odd sense of humor, indulging audiences and himself with wacky personas. Armisen displayed his personality on Saturday Night Live, and the entertainment only continues his television project, Portlandia.
Starting in 2011, Armisen creates a comedic tag team with Carrie Brownstein, actress/musician. The pair first joined forces for an interesting sketch of Armisen’s: Saddam Hussein as an aged British rocker being interviewed about his music career. After the link was bonded, the two went to work to parody Brownstein’s current home: Portland, Oregon.
The show is highly satirical, playing off of both stereotypes and complete, witnessed truths. From aspiring writers working at a feminist bookstore to a battle of the ‘gentlest band’, Portland’s eccentricity is captured in Armisen’s and Brownstein’s costumes and attitudes.
Audiences can enjoy a wide range of both fleeting and returning characters throughout the season. Both Brownstein and Armisen switch genders, switch socioeconomic statuses and send viewers on a visit through the quintessential Portland.
Brownstein insists the show is a labor of love for the city, stating in an interview with David Letterman, “…[the show] is a love letter to Portland.”
The show is in the midst of its fourth season and shows no sign of running out of material. Hopefully, the show will continue to showcase the hidden, unconventional gem that is Portland.
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