Students volunteer for PAC sports camp

Throughout summer break, the Pride Athletic Club will offer week-long sports camps.  Leesville Road High coaches will run the camps with the help their current and former athletes.

The accepted age for each sports camp varies. The camp targets mainly late elementary- to middle school-aged students, though underclassmen can still participate since the maximum age for most of the programs is either 14 or 15.

According to Pride Athletic Club:

“Leesville Road High School summer sports camps are designed to enrich the lives of young athletes and to support the high school athletic programs. They are open to all young athletes, regardless of their school affiliation.”

Below is the list of all the camps in order by date.






Boy’s Lacrosse

June 16-20



Jeremy Fullbright

Girl’s Volleyball

June 16-20



Christie Dobbin


June 16-20



Guy Civitello


June 23-27



Paul Dinkenor

*Athletic Training

June 23-27



Susan Pridgen Ennis

Boy’s Basketball

June 23-27



Russ Frazier

*Track and Field

July 7-11



Roy (Jerry) Canada


July 7-11



Shelly Reathaford

Girls Basketball

July 7-11



Hal Wertich


July 14-18



Chad Smothers?

Girl’s Lacrosse

July 14-18





July 14-18





August 4-8



Leigh Ann Genetti

Students who wish to volunteer should contact the camp Coaches via telephone or email. Access the brochure by clicking on this link.

We interviewed several Leesville students for their perspectives supervising the camps.


Hannah Czajkowski, senior

Sport: Women’s Lacrosse

Camp: Women’s Lacrosse

Why? I’m interested in coaching a camp this year because women’s lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in America at the moment.

Goals: I would like to keep the newly formed team alive by helping younger girls develop their skills before reaching the varsity level. I’m looking forward to watching younger players grow and learn the game my team and I love.


Sarah Bigelow, senior

Sport: Cross Country and Track

Camp: Track and Field

Why?  I love volunteering at the track camp because it’s fun to see all the kids try each skill that is a part of track. I enjoy being there to help improve their form and inspire them to start running now to later be an amazing runner in middle or high school. I look most forward to playing the agility obstacle course games with the kids and seeing those who get really into it and have definite potential to one day be varsity. I love when they ask for advice because I know I am helping someone begin their effort toward becoming a great runner!

Any Prior Experience? The track camp has only been around since summer 2012, so I did not have this opportunity when I was young.

Sean Nicol, sophomore

Sport: Cross Country and Track

Camp: Track and Field

Why interested? I’m excited to see all the young runners at camp who already have an interest in the sport, possibly future runners at high school.

Plans? I just want to take their interest and show them the beauty of running, that it can be fun. They can learn a lot from me, and I learn a lot from them. A lot of the kids are really nice and fun to be around. I hope I can help them reach their goals.

Goals? I hope to strengthen the bonds I’ve made with other staff members and continue to become the best version of myself
Any prior experience? Nope, but it’s a newer camp with tons of potential. Thank you, Grether (Former Track and Field Coach).


Cody Close, senior

Sport: Varsity soccer and lacrosse

Camp: Boys Lacrosse

Goals? I love the sport of lacrosse and I really enjoy sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm for the game with others. I am very excited to see the talent for the future of the Leesville Lacrosse program and to be able to work with the kids on developing those skills.


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