Every year Leesville holds two annual blood drives: one in the fall and another in the spring. The fall blood drive is on Oct. 21, a Tuesday. All students who are 16 or older, and meet certain height/weight standards, are encouraged to donate, particularly students with Type-O blood.
The drive takes place throughout the school day. The first times begin at 7:30 and the last signups ending at 12:45. Snacks and drinks will be served at the drive. It is recommended that students eat a hearty breakfast, as well as the day before to ensure the donation goes smoothly. This is especially true for in-season athletes.
There are two types of blood donations: whole blood or double red. The difference is double red allows the donor to give twice as many red blood cells, while returning plasma back to them. This requires a separate machine and on average take 30 mins longer. The donation process usually take an hour to 90 minutes.
Double red donations go to children and severe burn victims; an additional form is required to give double red.
Leesville’s goal is to donate at least 121 whole blood units. To do so about 140 people need to sign up in order to account for students who are turned away. Students can be turned away for not meeting height/weight requirements, and have low iron that day, among others. Make sure to eat nutritiously 24 hours before the drive.
Blood donations are in a constant state of shortage and for many Americans mean the difference between life and death:
- Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs a blood transfusion.
- One donation can save 3 lives
- 38% of the population can donate, but only 10% do
- A single car-accident survivor can require 100 pints
- Blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves
For those interested in donating blood see Mr. Broer (240), Sr. Ross (207), or Mrs. Eastman (121) to pick up a form.
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