The first French Club meeting was on September 8 and had many returning students, as well as new students. While participating in French Club, students have the opportunity to bond over the French culture.
Each student may have a different reason for joining French Club.
“I love the teacher and its a great way of making new friends. Everyone is so welcoming, even if you don’t take French Class.” said Alexa Ryan, senior.
This is Ryan’s first year joining French Club. Over the summer, she recently went to France and hopes to share her experience throughout the year.
Since this was the first meeting, officers went over the first orders of business. Each officer described their role so new members could get to know them.
To keep up with their Honors status, French Club will be participating in the Homecoming parade on October 17 with their own float. A signup sheet was filled out with people who would like to help build the float. The float will take multiple building sessions to create.
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