Leesville prepares for JDRF

Leesville’s annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, or JDRF, collection time is approaching fast. During September, the race is on to see which department and classes can raise the most money for this worthy cause.

JDRF is an organization that helps raise money in support of finding a cure for type one diabetes. This year, their slogan is “Type 1 to Type None”. By using this slogan, the foundation is stating how important it is to continue working hard until a cure is found. With type one diabetes’ relevance today, Leesville does whatever it can in order to help raise money and awareness.

Starting on Monday, Sept. 15, everyone will be able to donate money during their first period class. At the end of the week, LRHS hopes to have the biggest donation total yet, even after raising around $4,000 last year.

There are going to be some new events and prizes this year as well. First, instead of just pitting each first period class against each other, the departments will now be facing off. The department that raises the most money as a whole will be rewarded with a free lunch for all of the teachers in said department. Also, the top two classes out of the entire school will receive a free breakfast.

However, LRHS is determined to have the most contributions. Five Guys Burgers & Fries and Yogurt Mountain have decided to help Leesville raise money. They are going to choose a day in which some of the proceeds from the meals purchased that day will be donated to JDRF.

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