Yesle Hahn and Seyung Jung lived across the world for most of their life before they moved to Raleigh, NC. Although the moved 7,114 miles away, they still show endless pride for their country and will continue to visit throughout their life.
There are many differences between the United States and South Korea. “Seoul is a city that is really packed with people. There is public transportation where you can go anywhere,” said Yesle Hahn.
“The pollution is also really bad,” added Seyung Jung.
Even though there are differences between the two countries, they still miss their food, friends and easy access to transportation.
Jung and Hahn may miss the food from their home country, but from personal experience, an American citizen who would visit South Korea may have difficulties with the food. While I stayed in South Korea for a week, my main food consisted of rice and water. My stomach was unable to tolerate the spices and texture of the food. As a consequence of that, I had gotten sick numerous times and could only eat at American-based restaurants. But for someone who is used to Korean food, it is delicious.
Transportation is always a plus while traveling throughout the city. The international airport is located in Incheon, Korea. About an hour drive from the capital, Seoul. I traveled from Seoul to Busan with their high speed trains. The train station is easy to get in and out with even a shopping mall inside for spare time. The train ride between the two cities was a comfortable two hours.
Given the choice to move to America, Jung and Hahn gladly took the opportunity. “[I moved for] education. Part of it was my parents job, but also education,” said Hahn.
She moved in January of 2014,but had previously lived in America when she was in elementary school. While Hahn had just recently moved here, Jung has lived in Raleigh for 2 and a half years after living in Seoul for ten.
Jung and Hahn will continue to visit South Korea to see their friends.
“I went this summer and hope to go back every summer,” said Hahn. They will continue to speak highly of their country while being immersed in American culture.
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