Leesville’s most invested Latin students have already been planning for this year’s National Latin Honor Society.
Latin Club is a popular club at LRHS, but NLHS is not as widely known. Unlike Latin Club, NLHS was established more recently–in 2011–and is not open to everyone; members of NLHS must be enrolled in Latin IV and have earned at least two As and a B in Latin I-III.
“NLHS exists to encourage the study of Latin, the classical world of the Greeks and Romans, and to recognize students who have displayed exemplary academic achievement in Latin,” said Mark Mash, Latin teacher and NLHS adviser. “Furthermore, membership in NLHS is a true honor that will set a student apart. Membership in NLHS includes membership in several organizations: the North Carolina Junior Classical League, National Junior Classical League and Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin.”
“The Latin students who join NLHS do so as a culmination of all the hours of Latin they have put in,” said Jordan Mareno, senior historian. “It’s a special thing to know that you had to earn your place in the society–and so few students do.”
The club plans on participating in conventions at UNC Greensboro and Wake Forest University in the fall and spring. Later this month, NLHS also plans on hosting a guest speaker, Professor Sharon James from UNC Chapel Hill.
“This is the first time [Professor James] is making a trip to speak directly to high school Latin students, and we are very excited to have her,” said Morgan Santalucia, vice president and senior.
Members are also looking forward to enjoying various Ancient Roman meals for lunch during this next meeting in Dr. Mash’s room.
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