Dance Ensemble concert review

On Thursday, Nov 13, friends and family of the Dance Ensemble (DE) filled the auditorium to watch them perform one of their dance concerts. The hour-long concert was filled with beautiful dances choreographed by DE members and Ms. Cadby, the new dance teacher.

The dance started off with a short introduction by Haley Rea and Anna Longenecker, the co-captains of DE. They thanked everyone who helped their team get to where they were in their careers. They also mentioned that all of the proceeds from the night would go towards helping pay for DE’s trip to New York.

Then, the concert began. Performers flooded the stage for the first song. The combination of different pop songs filled with energetic dance moves got the concert going with a good start. The momentum continued as small group and solo dancers took their positions on the stage.

All of the songs used were easily recognizable, which helped the audience maintain interest. They ranged from emotional to exciting to empowering, each with different lighting and atmospheres to match the tone of the dance.

As the concert came to an end, everyone in the auditorium was smiling. The dancers were smiling as they took their final bow on the stage, and the curtains closed. The audience was filled with proud parents and friends, some of whom brought flowers to congratulate their friends and family members.

There is no doubt that the Dance Concert was a success. Now, everyone is excited to move forward and continue dancing as their trip to New York grows closer.

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