Shuffling into the auditorium, the senior class anxiously waited to see what the VIP assembly was going to be all about.
The VIP for a VIP (Vehicle Injury Prevention for a Very Important Person) team visited Leesville on Thursday, April 9 to share their stories and information in order to promote safe driving. The assembly was broken down into two parts: One in the auditorium and one in the student parking lot.
The first part, which was held in the auditorium during second period, was more story-telling and informational. Volunteers from different emergency responders across the county came to explain what their job is in the case of a vehicle accident and to give long-lasting advice. Then, multiple videos were shown that display the various actions that may lead to an accident and the consequences of those actions.
The second part, held during fourth period in the student parking lot, was a simulation of a vehicle accident. The VIP team brought in a wrecked car and painted the seniors a scenario of how the driver got into the accident. Then, the volunteers (firefighters, officers, paramedics, etc) came in and simulated what they would do in this situation. The purpose of the simulation was not emphasize the consequences of making bad driving decision and to (safely) bring those consequences to life.
After a long, emotional day, the lessons taught during the VIP assembly definitely stuck with the senior class.
“The VIP presentation was very eye opening for me and I believe for the rest of the senior class also. The presentation was also very emotional and I know it had a personal impact on many of my peers. After seeing the videos and hearing real-life stories I have learned to always make the right choices when driving,” said Camille Brockschmidt, senior.
Overall, the VIP senior assembly showed the bad driving decisions not only affect yourself, but everyone else in your life so it is important to remember to buckle up, put down the phone, never drive while intoxicated, and to stay safe.
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