Last Friday, August 28, courtesy of the Football Families of Leesville Road High School, a food drive took place at the very first home game of the football season. The food drive collected 285 pounds of food
The food drive sent non-perishable donations to the food bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, located here in Raleigh. Donations included canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, cereal, rice and other non-perishable items.
Donations were collected outside of the stadium in large containers at 7:00 p.m., as soon as general admission was available for purchase.
Jack Rogers, athletic director, said, “[The food drive] is a kickoff to the fall season for football.” He then continued to explain why the Football Families chose a home game as the prime location for a food drive.
“It’s not really a school related event; it has nothing to do with the food drive that we have here, and what it is, is just a kick off to the fall season for football and figuring that, you know, there’s going to be a ton of people at the game, and we figured that it’ll be a good way to help the Food Bank of North Carolina.”
From the containers at school, the donated food was taken to the food bank. Once collected by the Food Bank, the donations are repackaged and distributed to organizations that offer free meal programs to those in need.
Donations were collected as soon as general admission opened and they kept coming in until the fourth quarter.
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