On August 15, the St. Francis Parish Athletics soccer and baseball league kicked off a new season. With ages ranging all the way from three to eleven years old, the league is keen on maintaining a fun and pleasant atmosphere for players, spectators, and coaches alike.
The day begins every Saturday morning at 8 a.m., starting with the oldest age group of elementary level soccer and slowly making its way toward the pre-k athletes. Baseball makes its appearance during the second round of soccer games one field over as the Pre-k through Kindergarten athletes play T-ball, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th graders play Coach-pitch Baseball.
The day as a whole will see 70 volunteer coaches, 725 players, and hundreds of friends and family cheering on all of the youth athletes, making Saturdays at St. Francis quite the action packed event.
“I like just playing,” said Hannah W., soccer player at Parish Athletics and Leesville elementary fifth grader.
And thanks to the help of league coordinators, Andy and Kristin Dininger, the league is able to run smoothly from sun up to sun down. These busy parents of four signed their eldest daughter Mikayla up to play in the league eight years ago and are now key contributors to the coordination and execution of all that goes into the game-day process.
“Being a part of a community means giving back, be it time, talent, or treasure,” said Andy. “This had been a great outlet for us.”
The season will continue to run every Saturday through October 31, bringing plenty of good, sound fun for every body who attends. So, for anybody looking for a place to introduce their kids to sports without having to worry about crazy coaches, screaming parents, or unrealistic expectations St. Francis Parish Athletics might be the place for you.
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