Managing and Directing is easy for Evans

Caroline Evans, senior and stage manager, is fully engaged in Leesville’s theatre department. Besides helping Ms.Tarson, the stage director, with rehearsals, Evans helps keep the cast quiet and on task, writes down tasks in her prompt book, sends out rehearsal reports to crew heads, and prompts cast members if they forget their line.

Directly after school, Evans is always the first person in the auditorium ready to start rehearsal. During rehearsal, she sits in the front of the auditorium ready to write down any errors that the cast makes. Finally, after rehearsal is over, Evans sits down with the cast and gives them constructive criticism. “They’re not necessarily skills you learn in your everyday life. Some things come naturally, and some things you have to work extremely hard at. Just knowing a bunch of different skills is very interesting,” said Evans.

Growing up, Evans was influenced by her older siblings that were also involved in Leesville’s theatre department. Her sister was involved in the acting department, and her brother was involved in tech. During Evans’ freshman year, she signed up for the lights crew as a regular crew member, and during sophomore and junior years, she became the lights crew head and designer, which eventually led to her current job as a stage manager. “I actually knew Ms. Wrayno before I came into high school,” said Evans.

Evans likes the fact that being a stage manager allows her to have access to both the acting and technical sides of the play. Having a glimpse of both sides in theatre can strengthen her relationships with crew heads and cast members. Along with being a stage manager, it’s important to get the full experience in high school for preparation in college.

After graduation Evans hopes to attend Elon University, a liberal arts college in NC. Although her major is undecided, she hopes to major in Business, Nursing, or of course, Theatre.

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