During October, Haunted Forest at Panic Point is open for guests seeking a thrilling experience. Haunted Forest at Panic Point, commonly referred to as Panic Point, has different attractions with ratings on how scary it is.
Attractions include the Corn Maze, The Dark Trail, Haunted Hayride, Haunted Forest, Carny Crypt, and the Zombie Shootout. The Corn Maze is the only attraction without any haunters inside so it is considered family friendly. The Haunted Forest, the Dark Trail, and the Haunted Hayride have the highest scare ratings.
The main attraction of Panic Point is a half mile walk through the Haunted Forest. Guests will pass through ten spooky stations with dozens of haunters trying to scare each person.
The more fear someone shows, the more the haunters will pay attention to them. Haunters are not allowed to touch anyone. They will get as close as possible to some people, even breathe on their necks, but not touch them. Upon entry to the Haunted Forest at Panic Point, each participant is required to sign a liability waiver.
Besides the Raleigh haunted house, there is also a haunted house opened for the first time in Wilmington, NC which was partly created by Tony Rosen who works in filmography. His work can be found in popular thriller movies: Annabelle and the Conjuring. If Panic Point in Raleigh isn’t scary enough, guests can travel to Wilmington to see a haunted house created by a professional.
Haunted Houses are a great way to get into the Halloween spirit. Whether visitors want to stay local or travel, North Carolina has a variety of haunted houses available.
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