Tyler Richardson, Conductor: Trombone
How long have you been playing the Trombone?
Tyler: I would say 7 years.
What made you chose the Trombone?
Tyler: It seemed like an easy and unique instrument– plus I owned one already.
Besides band, how do you incorporate playing the Trombone into your everyday routine?
Tyler: I only really play it in Band class.
Do you see yourself playing the Trombone later in your life?
Tyler: No, probably not.
Would you consider this instrument a passion of yours?
Tyler: No.
How has playing the Trombone/being apart of the school’s band benefit your life and education?
Tyler: Honestly, I have no clue.
Tre Walton, Business Manager: Trumpet
How long have you been playing the Trumpet?
Tre: I’ve been playing the Trumpet for 7 years.
What made you chose the Trumpet?
Tre: Seemed like the best option for me.
Besides band, how do you incorporate playing the Trumpet into your everyday routine?
Tre: Really only in band class.
Do you see yourself playing the Trumpet later in your life?
Tre: Playing the Trumpet? Probably not.
Would you consider this instrument a passion of yours?
Tre: I wouldn’t consider playing the Trumpet a passion of mine, but music is.
Explain what passion means to you.
Tre: Something you are surrounded by, part of what you do, and why you’re interested in it something.
How has playing the Trumpet/being apart of the school’s band benefit your life and education?
Tre: I’m looking to go to college for music so this has given me the opportunity to be in a class for music. I’ve also met a lot of new people.
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