Spring Sports Are Underway

On Tuesday, February 16 tryouts for spring sports finally began. Tryouts were supposed to begin on Monday, but were postponed due to inclimate weather.

February is a very unpredictable month for weather. For the past three years, snow has interrupted spring tryouts by either postponing them or forcing them to take place in the student parking lot. This year was no exception. The first day of tryouts for women’s soccer, men’s and women’s lacrosse, and softball, were all held in the student parking lot because snow and freezing rain from the previous day had soaked the practice fields.

If the sports teams held tryouts on the fields under those conditions, they would have ruined them for the rest of the season.

Even though there were cars randomly spread out in the lot, each sports team maneuvered their way around the cars and managed to get a successful day of tryouts in. Avery Gardner, a junior trying out for the women’s soccer team, thought tryouts were an unusual experience.

“It was really interesting and fun to tryout in an environment that is nowhere near what it usually is, but at the same time it’s good we got a day of tryouts in,” said Gardner. Along with many other students trying out for sports, the first day of tryouts was definitely a different experience.

Fortunately, this year’s tryouts were only in the parking lot for one day and the rest of the days were spent on each team’s respective practice fields. The end of this week marks the end of tryouts for almost all the spring sports team’s and the beginning of a (hopefully) successful season. Games start as early as just two weeks from now, and the Pride aspires to finish top in each of their conferences this season.


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