Pearl Jam Cancels concert Due to HB2 law

Yes, it is true, Pearl Jam cancelled their concert on account of NC’s passage of the HB2 law.

The concert that was to be performed on April 20 but was cancelled by the band on the 18th.

My family and I, who had tickets to the concert, were no doubt disappointed.

The HB2 law, as stated earlier, refuses transgender and homosexual individuals of the right to sue coworkers and employers over discrimination in the workplace, as well as the right to use the bathroom of the gender in which they identify. This includes public school children.

While I commend Pearl Jam for their progressive, humanitarian mind-set, it confuses me as to why they avoided the entire state of NC. It is not in my opinion that the actions of the few should prevent Pearl Jam performing to the general populous.

Maybe there would have been a kid in that crowd that night who would have been inspired to pick up an instrument, or maybe two people meet that day who ended up getting married.

Meanwhile, I think the law itself is a little flawed. Everyone deals with harassment. When I was 4’11 entering high school, I probably got made fun of just as much as any homosexual or transgender kid, and probably more openly.

This is not a matter of laws. This is a matter of understanding and having empathy for your fellow people. It is silly that we need laws to enforce God given rights.

So with all of that said, I still believe Pearl Jam should have come to Raleigh.

They could have used the concert as platform to speak about social issues in between songs or gotten us “riled up” about treating others with love and respect. An intimate experience like this would have struck much closer to our hearts than any news of a concert cancellation.

I respect what Pearl Jam stands for but not what they did.

Pearl Jam could have benefited many people by coming to perform by spreading their positive message to everyone in the crowd. Pearl Jam, I appreciate your consideration, but next time, it would be better to come and perform.


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