Leesville receives its performance results

The News & Observer recently released the results from the “state education leaders” analysis of public school performance. For the 2015-16 school year, Leesville Road High School received an A+.

The group analyzes standardized test scores and graduation rate in order to assign every elementary, middle, and high school a letter grade, A through F, with a 15-point scale. The study is focused on proficiency and growth.

Leesville’s results are as follows:

Performance grade Score (1-100) Percentage at grade level Growth goal** Percentage of economically disadvantaged students
LRES C 68 71.1% N 27%
LRMS B 75 72.5% E 27%
LRHS A+ 89 78.4% E 21%


**N=Most students failed to show a year’s worth of growth in classroom material; M=Most students showed a year’s growth in classroom material; E=Most students showed more than a year’s growth in classroom material.

“This is only good news for us,” said Dr. AJ Muttillo, Leesville High’s principal, regarding Leesville’s performance grade. “It reflects well on the teachers.”

Surrounding high schools, such as Millbrook and Wakefield, earned a B in comparison. Our grade is parallel with Green Hope High School’s grade which is very impressive considering the affluent community in which it is located.

Although the A+ made Muttillo proud, he understands that the analysis was based off of test scores and graduation rates. The state education leaders attempt to score the schools as accurately as possible, however, their only basis are numbers.
Muttillo, teachers and students know that test scores and graduation rates are just on data set that represents of Leesville. What really makes the school A+ material is the learning and dedication that fills the halls.

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