Although it feels as if second semester has just begun, the time has already come for students to begin choosing their classes for next year. With a multitude of classes offered at Leesville, it can be difficult to decide what eight classes (and four alternates) that you would be interested in taking.
To help students decide what classes they should select, Student Services hosts registration meetings with students. “The goal [of these meetings] is to make sure you pick your classes for the next year, and that you pick the most appropriate [classes] for you,” said Eric Greene, Dean of Students. Greene, as well as the school counselors and secretaries, have spent countless hours organizing all of the registration meetings.
As you could probably guess, it takes a lot of planning to set up face-to-face interviews with every student in the school. In fact, most high schools do not take the time to host meetings with the students regarding class selection. “We are one of the few schools in the county that meet with students individually, most high schools don’t meet with kids individually. I think it’s very helpful,” said Greene.
There is a lot to be done behind the scenes in Student Services before the counselors meet with students. Primarily, Student Services teams up to make a course list. Then, the data manager has to put all of the classes in the computer where students can view them. Once the classes are in the computer, teachers begin to recommend their students for certain classes.
Next, the counselors begin to run transcripts for each individual student. “All the counselors have to do a credit checklist for 2000 students, and there are only five counselors,” said Greene. The secretaries in Student Services help put together information packets for students. Now, Student Services must create a registration video that both students and parents can watch.
Finally, Student Services must prepare for the face to face meetings with students. “We have to make passes for students to come out [to the meeting] and we have to work with everybody even if it takes us two weeks to call everyone down,” said Greene.
Although it takes a lot of time-consuming planning, Student Services is always able to host successful meetings with students. Through these meetings, students are able to hear answers to important questions they might have, and receive advice about which classes are the best fit for them, so they can have the most successful school year possible.
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