Last game they took an L, but tonight will they bounce back?

On February 28, the Pride men’s varsity lacrosse team found themselves short of a win over the Broughton Capitals with a final score of 13-8. Tonight, March 30, at 6:30pm the men put on their game faces to host the Capitals and gain back the respect that they deserve.

In their previous encounter, the Pride failed to work together and just couldn’t connect on the field. The Capitals took an early lead and Leesville was incapable of closing the gap. Being a second half team, the Pride struggled to slow Broughton down but tonight, after several big wins, they are determined to come out on top.

To ensure a Leesville win, the boys plan on changing a few things to keep the ball in their possession or in the back of Broughton’s net. With fewer offensive turnovers due to bad passing and catching, this will allow the boys to maintain possession of the ball and have more time to set up dynamic plays on the attack side.

On defense the Pride have studied Broughton’s players and learned the names and numbers of their better players. With this information, the Pride coaches have paired them up with several of our better defenders to put more pressure on the ball and decrease their chances of going to goal. This will slow down the Capital’s ball movement and hopefully increase the Pride’s chances of a defensive turnover.

“Our problem last game was that we just didn’t start off the game playing very well until they had a 4-0 lead in the first 3 minutes of the game and after that we played pretty much even to end the game at 12-5. We also had 32 turnovers last game which is almost unheard of and we’re caused by stupid mistakes. Today we’re going to go into the game playing fast and smart and we’re going to eliminate the careless mistakes. If we hit our shots and control the game we should win,” said Mason Robertson, junior, on tonight’s battle against the Capitals.

With a hard fight ahead of them, many Leesville students plan on coming to cheer the boys on. Best of luck to both the men’s and women’s lacrosse teams; the Mycenaean will be rooting heavily for both!


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