Everything, Everything is based on the 2015 young adult novel Everything, Everything written by Nicola Yoon. The book and film showcases an 18 year-old girl named Maddy Whittier who suffers from a disease called severe combined immunodeficiency-SCID. Maddy accepts her condition until the boy next door moves in (Olly), and changes her mindset on life, relationships, and love.
The film stars Amandla Stenberg as Maddy Whittier and Nick Robinson as Olly Bright. One of the factors that makes Everything, Everything different from every other young adult film, is that the movie features an interracial couple. Although their race isn’t mentioned in the film, interracial-relationships should be recognized in today’s films more than it currently is.
An important point that the film is trying to make is that love is unexpected. Personally, every romance film that I’ve recently watched has been boring and typical. The two potential lovers meet, they fall in love within a week, something bad happens, they break up, and then resolve their issues at the end of the movie. The beginning of their relationship in Everything Everything starts off slow, like most relationships today. Unless you’ve known someone for a couple of months, love at first sight isn’t common.
I recommend that everyone sees this film because it wasn’t what I expected it to be, but it fulfilled my expectations. Throughout the film, a lot of the characters tell quirky jokes in serious situations, which makes you feel that you’re connecting with the characters.
Overall, I think that Everything, Everything is a film for anyone to watch even if you’re not into Chick Flicks
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