¡Adiós Señora Sollie!

After nine years of teaching at Leesville, Señora Sollie has decided to leave. Throughout her time here, she has taught classes ranging from Spanish I to Spanish IV and over one thousand students.

After a problem with her children’s daycare service, Señora Sollie decided that it would be best to stay home and watch her children grow up. “It was a really hard decision for me, and I’ve been weighing it for a couple months, but our situation changed with our daycare, and I have the opportunity to stay home. I feel like I woke up and my daughter is three and my son is ten months old. I feel like I’m going to miss stuff, and I have missed stuff with my daughter. I feel like this is the best choice for me right now,” said Sollie.

Yazmin Battee, junior, is a student in Sollie’s fourth period class. “When Señora Sollie told us she was leaving, you could tell before she said anything, that she was really emotional and had something important to tell us. When she actually said it, she started to tear up. I was distraught, because I don’t like to see her sad, and I know it was a really hard decision for her to make in the first place because she loves teaching, but she also loves her kids,” said Battee.

After all her years of teaching , Sollie’s passion for teaching Spanish hasn’t waned a bit. Whoever is replacing her next year has enormous shoes to fill.

“I could go on forever about Señora Sollie. She is one of the most caring teachers I have ever met. She makes it obvious that she loves both the language and the students, and she has inspired me to major in Spanish in college,” said Battee.

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