Every October during Homecoming week, Leesville celebrates their school spirit with Spirit Week. Past themes have included Disney Week and Blast from the Past. Freshman typically don’t go crazy when dressing up for spirit week, as it’s a strange feeling to dress up in crazy colors or in a weird costume. But dressing up is a great way to show your pride and have fun with designing costumes.
“Freshman year I didn’t go ‘all out’ for Homecoming because I thought like not a lot of people would do it. Then I realized it’s cool to go all out and show your spirit because it brings hypeness to the school,” said Elizabeth Gamble, senior.
Spirit Week themes are decided by the Executive Council. All themes must be school appropriate and approved by the teachers running Executive Council before they are announced to the school. This year, the main theme was Seasons, including days like “Give Thanks and Enjoy Football,” where students could dress up in their favorite football team jersey, or “April Showers vs May Flowers,” where students could dress up in rain gear or flowery apparel.
“I like the themes better freshman year probably. These themes are fine, but like I don’t really know what to do for all of them,” said Erin Oliveira, senior.
In the past years, many students have opted out of going to the traditional Homecoming dance which has always been hosted in the Leesville cafeteria. Instead, many students choose to go out to dinner with a group of friends and hangout out with each other afterwards, regardless of school or grade.
However, in 2017 the dance was cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. The cancellation doesn’t affect most students though, as many didn’t feel the need to attend the dance and enjoyed going out to dinner more. “[The dance being cancelled] doesn’t really affect me because I never went to the dance, and I feel like it’s just saving money for other school events that we would put it towards,” said Gamble.
Whether you enjoy dressing up, going to the football game, or going out to dinner, Homecoming is a great way to take a break from the stress of school and other activities to hangout and catch up with friends.
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