Leesville Young Life

In the above image you can see the fun and energetic college students from North Carolina State University that Leesville is lucky to have as the area's Young Life leaders. Ashton Hepburn (top left), Lizzie Mann (top center),(from bottom left to right) Anna Boggs, Lauren Kinlaw, Carley Sedar, Zane Hamstead, and Hunter Simpson. (Photo used by permission of Leesville Young Life)

Leesville Young Life for the 2017-2018 school year has begun! Young Life club is a Christian based organization that  welcomes all Leesville High Students. The club meets every monday and thursday nights in the Leesville area.

At Young Life there are four college leaders, one leader for each class of high school. Each of the leaders attend North Carolina State University. The leaders are very involved with the Leesville community. You can often find leaders at football games or other Leesville events hanging out with the students they lead, and just enjoying eachothers company.

“I would say that I decided to become a Young Life leader because I have seen lives change, my life personally has changed because of Young Life. I also really wanted to give back to the community that had served me,” said Lauren Kinlaw, a young life leader and Sophomore at North Carolina State University.

Young Life is a Judgment free place. For two days a week students overwhelmed with school work can just take a break and have fun. “When you get to Young Life the stress of school and everything goes away and you can focus on God and your friends,” said Ansley Youst, a Junior at Leesville.

The first club of the year is Freshmen club. The Young Life family welcomes in the students new to high school by showing them a fun time. “You can let loose and enjoy yourself,” said Amaya Sheriff, a freshman at Leesville, after attending her first club.

Each club has a different dress up theme. Between the different skits, games, and songs Young Life is always something to look forward to. “It’s kinda crazy. We sing songs, we do a bunch of skits, we pray, and it’s a lot of fun,” said Nate Diemer, a sophomore at Leesville.

Young Life provides the opportunity for students to get closer to God. “I like doing something for my faith and being involved in school to,” said Hannah Bond, a Sophomore at Leesville.

Monday night campaigners is dedicated to focusing on the student’s relationship with God. At campaigners students gather with their leaders and help plan for the upcoming club, as well as, going deeper into their conversations about their faith. The last fifteen minutes of every thursday night club is devoted to connecting with God and better understanding his presence in everyone’s life. Often times the leaders read a Bible verse that relates to an experience in their life or the lives of those around them.

The leaders and students of Leesville are always looking for new kids to join the Young Life family. “I would say to kids who don’t know much about Young Life that you just have to come experience it yourself…it’s nothing like anything else you’ll put your time into during your high school experience,” said Kinlaw.

For a more enjoyable time in highschool get involved with Leesville Young Life, you wont regret it. To stay informed about young life and upcoming club dates or events, follow the club on Twitter @LionPrideYL.


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