Senior Wall Vandalized


On Thursday, October 19, students walked their normal routes to their first periods, just expecting another usual day at Leesville Road High School. But, some students recognized something different during: The Senior Wall had been vandalized by unknown people, with inappropriate illustrations and derogatory sayings.

Quickly, students took to social media. Soon after, the entire school knew of the vandalism, including teachers and administrators.

The senior wall is a symbol of achievement for the seniors, finally getting their chance to have their own design put on display for the students to see. “We spent 44.5 hours during the summer and to see that someone just didn’t care, like they didn’t think about what went into making the wall, that’s frustrating to me. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t benefit anybody. But, we’ll get through it,” said Emma Holloway, senior and AP art student.

Before the wall is finally unveiled to the school, a long process has to be completed prior. The wall took around 44.5 hours to finish. Seo Young designed how the wall was to look and Emma Sheppard and Emma Holloway helped to paint it. Now, the girls have joined forces again to repaint parts of the artwork.

The first step in returning the wall back to its original state was to paint over the vandalized areas. A white coat of paint covered the harsh designs, making the wall look fairly disfigured. Next, the three met during class the following day to start reconstructing the original design, but it was not easy. “Mixing the colors is the hardest part because the colors that we put on the wall were all mixed. It didn’t have any of them that we started from cans,” said Holloway.

While the senior wall caused tension, it did not break the class of 2018, but only brought the school together more. The wall is now back to its normal self and will be even more appreciated than before.

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