Fresh Start as a Junior

Transferring into a new school in the middle of the school year would be hard for most students. The idea of new teachers, making strangers into friends, and having to learn the alien layout of their new school is anything but appealing. Unfortunately, there little to do about it but to deal with it head on.

That’s what new student Amari DuPree, junior, is doing as she navigates the unfamiliar hallways of Leesville.

Being a junior, DuPree has it a little harder than any incoming freshman or sophomore would. She’s leaving behind three years worth of friends and teachers at Panther Creek High School in coming here, a situation most would be uncomfortable with. One can assume that the older a student gets is the more difficult it is to become settled into a new school.However she remains calmer than most would likely be if placed into a similar situation.

“I wasn’t nervous the first day [of my classes] because I knew that coming [to Leesville] would be best for me to get what I needed out of the school year,” said DuPree.

DuPree doesn’t quite know what to expect out of the school year. “To be honest, I don’t know what’s going to happen the rest of the year. It’s so different from Panther Creek. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see,” said DuPree.

Rather than focusing on the fact that she was transferred mid-year, Dupree is looking forward to the future. She plans on graduating January of next year to get an early start on the path towards college.

“I only need two credits to officially graduate high school, and I’m determined to be done as soon as possible. There is no reason to stay longer than needed–I prefer to work before I go to college in order to get some things together and graduating early allows me to do that,” said DuPree.

Although it would be rather irritating for most juniors to be transferred in the middle of the year, DuPree is using it as an important opportunity to zero in on her work. “Without the distractions of friends and drama I can focus more on my grades and what’s really important,” said DuPree.

Overall, DuPree is working towards her later end goal, instead of focusing on her current situation. She is doing what most don’t — she is being proactive.

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