On Friday, January 26, The Death Cure, the third movie of the Maze Runner series, was released. The three films starring Dylan O’Brien (Thomas), Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Newt), Kaya Scodelario (Teresa),and Ki Hong Lee (Minho) are the ultimate science-fiction thrillers.
Unlike most sequels, The Death Cure did not fail to keep viewers on edge. With the continuation of the previous film plot, Thomas and his remaining friends are determined to save their friend and fellow ‘Glader,’ Minho, who was captured by WCKD in the second movie The Scorch Trials.
As they set out on their mission to save Minho, Thomas and his friends face challenges…and ‘cranks’. Through their journey, the times of conflict left me racked with anticipation. Like every Maze Runner film, there is constant surprise and jump scares that keep viewers eager to see who will survive.
There were many elements of The Death Cure plot that shocked me as a viewer. From the return of former characters, to the unsuspected death of others, I left the movie theater emotional. Not only were their heart-wrenching aspects, but also insane action scenes that had my adrenaline pumping.
However, all elements of the plot were necessary to create the bittersweet ending of the film. As the film closes out I sensed a sort of cliffhanger leaving high anticipation for release of another film.
All in all my opinion the film was exceptional. I feel my money was spent well, and I had an enjoyable experience watching The Death Cure. If you are someone you know is thinking about seeing this film I would most definitely recommend it– you won’t be disappointed.
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