Leesville’s Funniest Sisters

One of America’s favorite TV shows, America’s Funniest Home Videos, airs every Sunday showing a collaboration of hilarious clips sent in by people all over the US. The show receives thousands of entries and only picks a select few that will truly make their viewers laugh out loud.

Amongst the few clips selected was the one sent in by two of Leesville’s own: Lauren and Rose Sande are twins sisters at Leesville and they have been featured on AFV not once but twice.

The Sande sisters made their national TV debut on in February 2017 on season 28 of the show. As you can see in the first video embedded below, this was a priceless moment that just happened to be captured on camera. The girls decided to post the video on twitter first. Right away the video began receiving many retweets and replies about how funny it was. With all the positive comments the girls decided to send in the video to AFV.

“We just thought they were really funny and every time we watched them we just laughed over and over again. And it’s a chance to win and be on TV,” said Lauren Sande when asked what made them send in the video.

The entire Sande family, and many in the Leesville community that got word of the broadcasting time, tuned in to watch that nights episode. Soon after their video aired, the texts and calls from families and friends poured in.

“They were so amused that we were on the show,” said Lauren Sande.

As for how the girls felt — “It was awesome I thought I was a movie star,” said Lauren Sande.

“It felt awesome cause I never expected to see something we did on TV,” said Rose Sande.

Not only did the Sande girls make it on AFV once but twice! The girls made the second appearance on AFV in March 2017, once again on season 28 of the show. Although they are AFV veterans, seeing themselves on national TV again was still exciting.

You can ask anyone who knows the Sande twins; they are truly a funny pair. Stay updated with AFV and look out for the Sande sisters– they are bound to catch another hilarious moment of theirs.  

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