Students Sell Java

The Java Lion is a student-run coffee stand on Leesville Road High School’s campus. The shop is located by the auditorium, in the auditorium concessions stand. The cafe is open during first period from 8:15-8:45 and second period from 9:40-10:15.

The menu consists of different name brands of Keurig coffee, such as Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. There is also a variety of flavors, such as frappuccino, vanilla, mocha, and more. Hot tea, danishes, muffins, breakfast sandwiches, packaged pies, and other pastries are also available for purchase. All products are store-bought since the students are not able to sell home-made food.

Students run the entirety of the stand. Through their specialized curriculum, these students serve, manage, and represent the Java Lion. The goal of the cafe is for the students to learn career and life skills so that they have knowledge of the real world after they graduate. The hours they work in the Java Lion goes towards their on-campus hours students are required to obtain before graduating.

“When we first created the Java Lion, all the students sat down. They came up with the price, how much we were going to charge for a coffee or hot beverages, they made the selections, they voted on the name, so it’s really their business, I just oversee and help them with problem solving,” said Tabitha Hinnant, Leesville  teacher.

While the stand is student run, only adults are permitted to purchase the products. Wake County looks at caffeine as a drug, so the Java Lion is not allowed to serve to the high school students, despite the major profit the small business would gain from selling to students.

Students and administrators highly encourage teachers, parents, bus drivers, and other staff to purchase products from the Java Lion and support the Leesville students and enjoy the coffee, tea, and doughnuts by the auditorium.

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