Seniors chalk spots before school year

While the school year started on Monday, August 27, LRHS seniors started school festivities well before. The Sunday before school started, seniors gathered in the student parking lot to chalk their parking spots. They could use any sidewalk chalk and draw any design as long it was school appropriate.

Marina de Sousa, an LRHS senior, chose to participate in the parking spot chalking event. (Photo used by permission of Marina de Sousa)

In years past, seniors decorated their spots whenever they were available. However, this year students worked with the administrators to create an event for all to take part in. “Mrs.Fehling reached out to a few seniors about doing an event to get the seniors together. Marissa Foley took charge, then Hannah Woody and I helped along the way,” said Emma Klenke, LRHS senior, via text message.

Some seniors chose a movie or TV show to help guide their designs, while others used their favorite foods or sports as inspiration; either way coming up with a design adds to the fun. “I really liked getting to come up with a design and also seeing everyone else’s design,” said Marina de Sousa, LRHS senior who chalked her spot.

The seniors expressed their creativity and individuality and individuality, while also spending time with peers. “My favorite part was all of the seniors coming together as a community to design their parking spots,” said Krysta Plesnarski, an LRHS senior.

Seniors chalking their spots was a way to start the year off on a positive note. Even though the chalk may eventually fade, the memories created will not.

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