From High School to Broadway: Callie Colvard’s Acting Career

Thursday, November 15 marks the first official show for the fall production of Yo, Vikings!, an energetic story surrounding an equally  energetic girl named Emma — played by Callie Colvard. For Colvard, this is an opportunity to express a passion that has been a crucial part of her life ever since she was a young girl.

“I went to like a little track out camp when I was six,” said Colvard in an interview in regards to her origins in theater. “We did Tortoise and the Hare… it was at that moment I was like ‘Hey this is really cool!’”

Two years later she came to the realization that her future takes her to Broadway.

While Colvard had strong intentions of following her dreams — no matter the cost — others weren’t so sure. “My mom was like ‘you need to have a backup job’… I can’t, like I can’t physically do anything else.” It seems that Colvard’s personality is perfect for the theater world: “I just feel like I don’t have the attention span for anything besides theater.”

All this drive would come in handy for her role in the fall production of Yo, Vikings — Colvard is the lead — and her colorful personality is utilized to its full extent. Her character Emma is a young girl who lets her imagination run wild, something Colvard can relate to in her past. “When I was ten, I was literally Emma… people were like ‘you need to calm down’.” This energy lets Colvard easily fall into character, allowing her to “portray like how she’s feeling very well,” as if the character and actor are one in the same.

Although drive is an important aspect of any actor’s career, the prep work before a show is equally as important. Not only are there rehearsals and practices, Colvard said she has also been “going to voice lessons about three times a week… I’ve had acting coaching sessions. I’ve been taping stuff and stayed late after rehearsals. There’s been so much extra work, but it’s all worth it.”

The hard work Colvard has been putting in is pushed by her excitement for this role. “It is like the most exciting I have ever experienced… it is so fun.”

Colvard is not only thankful for the role, she is also appreciative of the work that others are putting in. “It’s just fun to get to work with all these amazing people and just bring something together,” which is ultimately the goal of these productions — to bring the community together.

Callie Colvard seems to be made for the stage; when she isn’t acting she’s dancing her heart out. She’s also involved in the North Carolina Theater program, a place for her to refine her craft for the future. She understands how daunting her dreams may seem, yet continues to push onward anyway. Her unique personality and strong sense of self shine throughout her everyday life and left on the stage as she slips into a new persona.


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