An inside look at the Freshman Class

On Monday the 26, Leesville Road High School welcomed the class of 2023 for their first day of high school. They are the newest members of an already huge Pride. Our student body size–which is in the top 1% of North Carolina– is estimated at more than 2500 students. For comparison, Leesville Middle has about 1,000 students and Pine Hollow has 639. I wanted to know what they were thinking as they transitioned into a school so much bigger than what they were used to, so I reached out to a few freshmen to see how they were doing. 

What were you most worried about coming into freshman year? 

“I was most worried about where my classes would be, and how I would find them.”-Lily Zimiles

“The pressure of all the classes.”-Ellie Leggett 

“Just how big the school was, and I was nervous I was going to get lost.” -Brier Griffin

“Mostly all the homework we were going to have.” -Travis Overton

 And after your first week, how are you feeling?

“A lot better!”-Lily Zimiles

“It’s better than I thought it would be.”-Brier Griffin

“Yeah, we don’t have that much [homework], and we have time throughout the day to finish it.”-Travis Overton

When you walked in on your first day, what were you thinking?

“I was thinking it was really crowded, and A LOT bigger than the middle school.”-Lily Zimiles

“There was a lot of people. It was extremely crowded.”-Ellie Leggett 

“It was just really big.”-Brier Griffin

“There’s a lot of people, and it’s really big.”-Travis Overton

How do you feel about your teachers and your classes?

“They’re all really nice…I thought some of them would be mean, but they’re all really nice.”-Lily Zimiles

“Yeah, they’re all really good. The teachers actually teach, and at our old middle school, they didn’t do that a lot.”-Travis Overton

Leesville offers a lot of extracurriculars and clubs. Do you think you’ll get involved in any of them?

“I haven’t really looked yet, but if there’s any art club I’ll probably join.”-Lily Zimiles

“Yeah, there’s a couple I’m interested in… Key Club and FCCLA.”-Ellie Leggett 

“FCA, and I’m gonna do soccer and baseball.”-Brier Griffin

“I’ll hopefully try out for baseball this year.”-Travis Overton

If you could tell next year’s rising freshmen anything you’ve learned from your first couple of days, what would it be?

“It’s NOT as bad as you think it’ll be.” -Lily Zimiles

“It’s really not that bad. It may be scary, but it’s not that bad.” -Ellie Leggett 

“Just don’t be as nervous as you are.” -Brier Griffin

“Find a spot to eat lunch!” -Travis Overton

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