Are class rings worth the price?

The class of 2021 is starting to order their class rings this fall. Class rings traditionally have a center stone and band with designs on the side, like a school mascot. Over the 184 years that class rings have been around, various styles of rings have popped up — including modern stackable bands. However, with new styles comes a steep price tag.

“The price of a class ring absolutely outweighs the value of tradition,” said Kaitlyn Light, a junior. Class rings can cost anywhere from $227 to $3,000 depending on the stones used, the band metal, the cut of the stone, and protection plans. “My family isn’t open to spending money on a gaudy ring I’m never going to wear,” said Light.

“I saw some rings up in the $1000’s, and I definitely think that is too much,” said Allison Dood, a junior. “But for rings in the lower [price] range, I think it’s worth the money.”

“My grandma and parents offered to cover the cost of it,” said Dood. The financial help from her family is the main reason she considered getting a ring. “If my family hadn’t said they’d pay for the ring, I don’t think I would have gotten one.”

“A ring is something that I can have as a memory of high school,” said Dood. She also wears rings regularly and thinks she’ll get her money’s worth. “I choose a more minimalistic ring that aligns with my style.”

Light, on the other hand, thinks class rings are an outdated tradition. “I understand that some people get them to remember their high school years, but that’s what memories are for,” said Light. 

Regardless of your views on class rings, sales are ongoing through the fall. You can order your ring at Josten’s website

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