Groff’s Commitment to Duke

Leesville is one of the top schools for athletics in Wake County. Students have committed for sports, from soccer, lacrosse, football, and softball. One student who is going to be remembered is Katie Groff, who committed to Duke University for soccer her freshman year. Groff, an accomplished soccer player, also played for the U16 US national team.

“The recruiting process was stressful and overwhelming, but in a good way. I was able to reach out to as many colleges and go on visits and got to learn what I was looking for,” said Groff.

Committing as a freshman, Groff had the opportunity to set her grades and scores up to match one school. “It’s nice knowing that I only have to worry about one school, one application, and I know exactly what is expected of me.” For Duke, the average ACT score is a 31-34, and SAT is a 1390.

After committing for athletics, Groff has an easier time with her scores. Only needing a 29 for her ACT, and 1240 for her SAT, Groff can spend more time keeping her GPA up and training for soccer.

With only one year left, Groff is looking forward to moving to Duke University. “I’m excited about pre season with the team because it’s before the regular students move in, so it’s just athletes getting used to the campus and training” said Groff.

In college, student athletes tend to move in a week or two before the rest of the class, in order to start preseason training. This helps students become used to time management, and organize their school and athletic schedules. “Easily my favorite part of school is the soccer aspect so I’d love to start off with that then ease into my classes,” said Groff.

Katie Groff will be an amazing addition to the 2020 soccer team for Duke, as well as an amazing student.

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