Senior Parking Lot Chalk

In recent years, the Leesville seniors have participated in a tradition on the day before the new school year begins. Rising seniors gather in the student parking lot, bringing their most creative mindsets to the pavement to decorate their parking spots. Along with snacks and speakers for entertainment, they also bring the most important item: loads and loads of sidewalk chalk. 

Chalking the sidewalk is a custom as old as time. No matter how old a person is, drawing with chalk is a pastime that lets out one’s artistic side. As seniors begin their last year before venturing onto greater things and their future, the tradition is almost like a minuscule regression to childhood. Reminiscing on the past, how far they have come, and how far they still have to go the day prior to what may be the last first day of school for students. 

Hannah Bond, a senior at Leesville, said, “It’s cool to do something really simple but still really fun…I got to see a lot of my friends…we got messy because of the chalk but nobody cared because we were all celebrating the start of senior year together.” 

Old and new friends came together on Sunday, August 25, rejoicing that they have finally reached the last stage of high school. Such an effortless but engaging gathering, the seniors were able to turn the parking lot into an art museum while having fun at the same time. 

From illustrating pop culture references to simply drawing beautiful designs, every parking spot decorated with chalk had its own unique look. Generally, students designed their spot with some notion towards their passion, whether it is a sport, music, or a television show. 

Although just a small, inexpensive tradition, seniors were able to begin their year pulling into a brightly colored, welcoming, and festive parking lot. Among many other exciting things for the class of 2020, chalking their parking spots was.

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