Internship is a CTE class run by Mrs. Canada. Students, during the year prior, turn in applications and recommendations in hopes of getting accepted into the class. After the application process, Mrs. Canada chooses around 36 students to split in between the fall and spring semesters. Internship is an honors credit, finished with a final presentation for the class at the end of the year.
Internship gives students the opportunity and responsibility of finding their own internship site. Over the years, students have chosen law firms, doctors offices, or elementary schools. The purpose of picking a site is so students can choose a place which matches their interests. For someone who would like to be a lawyer, they may choose a local law firm or attorney to shadow.
“I work at an engineering firm called Geo Technologies, Inc. I’m trying to explore the field of engineering and open up new opportunities for a future career,” said Chris Arwood, a LRHS student. The internship class gives students an inside view on whether or not they would enjoy their interests, and if they would want to pursue their careers in their selected field.
Internship is a class which takes place during the students fourth period, rather than an extracurricular activity. “To have it during fourth it gives me more time to work on my project not only during fourth, but also after school. Having that extra time gap after lunch to go and work either at the college or at home is extremely helpful,” said Carson Sellers, an LRHS student working under a Meredith College professor.
By having four classes including internship, students are not overloaded with work and homework. Each student has at least 1.5 hours to visit their internship and given time to stay longer if needed or wanted.
To be given a chance to explore their future careers is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Internship should be a class offered at every school.
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