Students In Multiple Art Programs

For this school year it was very competitive to get in to any of the performing arts programs .The four top performing groups here at Leesville are Dance Ensemble, Capital Pride, Main Stage and Symphonic Band. All of these groups have their auditions sometime between winter and spring. Even though auditioning takes months of preparation, some students go above and beyond by auditioning for multiple performing groups.

To be accepted into symphonic band students prepare for an intense audition in February the school year before. For concert band, students must also audition, but the process is much less intense. Drew Guetler, a senior, plays bass clarinet in the symphonic band and bass drum during marching season. Last school year, Drew auditioned to also be in concert band playing alto saxophonist.Playing bass clarinet, alto saxophone and being a drummer, Drew is heavily into band. Drew was required to audition to play each instrument.

During the spring of the previous school year ,auditions are held for Leesvilles top theatre group called Mainstage. The Mainstage theatrics class is based on performance. In the class, students prepare for school plays and develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of performing, analyzing, and critiquing dramatic performances. Most actors/actresses have the ability to sing — Brian Clarke not only acts but sings in Capital Pride, also an audition based class. Capital Pride is an advanced choir that constantly earns superiors at music festivals. Brian Clarke plans on “either doing music education or inchoral or theatre education.”

Joel Warsing auditioned and has been accepted into Main Stage, Capital Pride and Symphonic Band. Joel has performed a major part in several school plays and musicals, singing, dancing and acting. In symphonic band, Joel plays bass trombone and leads other students with his personal officer position as Equipment Crew Manager. With all of Joel’s performing arts programs, he plans on doing “music with a concentration in like recording production and probably like a minor in like vocal performance.”

Many students are talented in multiple art programs. These students will go to college to strengthen their abilities and then use them in their day to day lives.


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