JV Cheer Wins Pre-State Regionals

The JV Cheer team posing after their win at Dorton Arena. (Photo used by permission of Lyssa Menendez)

On Saturday November 16, while many may have been relaxing, the JV cheerleaders were working hard. At Dorton Arena, they competed against teams from all over the state to win first place in the Pre-State Regionals.

The team began working on their routine in September and largely contribute their success to their coaches–Summer Debnam and Mrs. Rogers. Summer Debnam, head coach,  is currently at UNC for graduate school, and Rogers is a former cheerleader and history teacher at Leesville.

“She’s really focused on us being clean because a lot of JV teams don’t think about that.” Lyssa Menendez, cheerleader, says about Debnam. “She gave us a really good routine too,” said Reagan Orbin, a cheerleader.

The two say they were apprehensive in the beginning of the competition, specifically warm ups. “You see the other teams warm up too, it was really scary,” said Orbin. “It went a lot better out on stage then we thought it would go,” she said laughing. 

They competed against other JV teams like Cardinal Gibbons and Panther Creek. JV won first place in the competition and got a trophy to prove it. Now, JV is starting their winter season. Along with varsity, they are cheering for the men’s and women’s basketball teams. You can see them Monday, November 25, in a game against Panther Creek.


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