The Show Has Lost It’s Glow : Radium Girl Power Outage

During the Saturday, November 16 Radium Girl show a tree fell on a power line on Oneal Road causing the power to go out in the area and a hold on the show.

On Saturday November 16, the 2:00 pm Radium Girl show started and ended within 15 minutes. As the actors reached scene 2, the power continuously went in and out.

The actors decided to continue the show, even though the power went out and did not come back on. As the actors continued, the stage manager Bella Tempelton called a hold, pausing the play. “I was on stage and the lights started flickering and I didn’t know if it was just a mistake or something but we kept going and then they called hold,” said Logan Kaelin, actor.

The audience, actors, and production team waited in the auditorium until further notice. The actors held their positions until Ms.Wrayno notified everyone that a tree fell on a power line on O’Neal Road. “We weren’t really sure how we were going to do the 7:00pm show, because we use lights for effects, and they are out” said Anne-Sophie Hill, assistant director.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time a theatre production had to be stopped. Around Halloween at the annual Haunted House, the amount of fog caused the fire alarm to go off. Students and customers coming to be spooked waited outside in the rain for about 30 minutes.

With this incident on Saturday, the police on duty went to where the tree had fallen to get updates. It was estimated to take almost 3 hours for the power to return, so Ms.Wrayno and Mr. Hurley decided to cancel the show. “We were just sitting in the audience and the lights keep going in and out so we just thought it was an accident, but the actors kept going,” said Samantha Lynn, an audience member.

The audience had an option to receive a refund or exchange their ticket for the later show at 7:00 pm.

Radium Girls was a hit later that day, the auditorium was full of emotions and laughter since the show is such a rollercoaster.

Mr. Hurley did a fantastic job with his first show at Leesville, and Radium Girls was definitely something different. Everyone is so excited for the spring musical, and to see what Mr. Hurley and the cast do with this next show. Mr.Hurley has not yet announced what the show will be, but it’s going to be amazing as usual.


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