Almost everyone knows John Krasinski — maybe not by that name, but by Jim from The Office or Jack Ryan. He has a national fan base and millions of people who would recognize him in a heartbeat. He has chosen to do something with this following that the world might claim is radical.
On March 29, he premiered a different news feed, one dedicated only to stories about good. Some Good News, found on YouTube, airs for free. Krasinski has committed to sharing only good news for no charge. Currently, there are three episodes of his series, with more expected to come.
Twitter has blown up over the hashtag, #SomeGoodNews, and humanitarian stories pack the account feed (@somegoodnews) — strangers solving car problems, homemade facemasks for healthcare workers, generations of families connecting through technology, and so much more. In a time as dark as this one, it will make anyone smile to scroll through and see all the positive things happening in the country.
In his first episode, Krasinski asked, “Why is there not a news show dedicated entirely to good news?” So he created one. His first episode celebrated the 15th anniversary of The Office by interviewing Steve Carell, as well as highlighting the social distancing parade of a girl who had finished her chemo treatment.
His second episode featured dozens of tweets from around the world of teachers and parents who are spreading joy and making things work, along with a surprise call for one little girl from the Hamilton cast.
The most recent episode starred humorous quarantine sports commentary, featuring Joe Buck, as well as a meet for a COVID unit of a hospital to meet Boston Red Sox player, David Ortiz. And he announced AT&T’s decision to cover all health care workers’ phone bill for three months.
That is some good news. Always remember that even while in quarantine, while times are so hard, there is good news in the world. I know I smiled at it all.
Sometimes, all you can do is “remember that there is always good in the world,” said Krasinski.

Hi! My name is Ellie and I am the editor in chief for The Mycenaean. I play soccer at NCFC and go to The Summit Church!
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