Leesville yearbooks have been a staple for decades, and that isn’t going to change any time soon. The Menagerie has even won the Columbia University Scholastic Press Gold Medal for its student-created yearbook. (Photo courtesy of Marie Cox)
Leesville’s yearbook class, like many things this school year, has changed. They are adjusting to creating the yearbook from home.
“The biggest challenge we are going to face this year is finding a way to come up with content,” said Allison Dood, one editor-in-chief of The Menagerie.
Content like fall sports isn’t an option right now, since the North Carolina High School Athletics Association (NCHSAA) announced that the earliest sports can resume is November 4.
Content isn’t the only challenge. “Currently, we have to find new spread ideas that involve students’ photos they’ve taken at home,” said Dood. There aren’t many events for the yearbook staff to attend, so they’re limited to the photographs other students can provide. “It is by far the biggest adjustment we have to make this year.”
Similarly to every class at Leesville, the format of yearbook’s class has changed. Class used to be very collaborative face-to-face. “Since it’s an adjustment, we find ourselves talking and collaborating more right now, even outside of class time,” said Dood. Meeting virtually hasn’t changed the team work that goes into creating a yearbook.
Some things never change, though. “We’re aiming for the yearbook to be around the same size to keep things consistent with previous years,” said Dood. The size of the yearbook usually depends on how many ads the staff can sell, not on how many pages of content they can make. Plans can always change, so there is a chance the yearbook could be smaller or larger than previous years.
“We don’t want the new school schedule and COVID-19 to dominate the yearbook,” said Dood. Dood stressed that the whole staff is working to create a great yearbook despite the complications they face.
Yearbook orders for this year have already started. You can order yours here.
Hi! My name is Marie, and I am the editor-in-chief of The Mycenaean. I am also President of Model UN and President of Quill and Scroll Honor Society. I love whitewater kayaking and rollercoasters.
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