Many students receive a few textbooks at the start of each school year. While helpful, they can add to the number of things students need to keep track of. (Photo courtesy of Isabel Weld)
For us high schoolers, going back to school involves lots of organization, studying, and work. On top of that, virtual learning is a whole different experience for everyone, and can be difficult.
Mr. Bacon, a history teacher at LRHS, said via email: “I think students too are feeling this. Where they could once work with their peers and form relationships with those around them, they are now left to figure things out on their own, and it’s very much sink or swim.”
Learning is trickier than ever for both students and teachers.
Teachers are trying their best to teach students in the best way possible during synchronous learning. He also wrote, ”We’re all struggling and time is a luxury that no one has. While students are having more homework than ever, your teachers are giving up their weekends to make sure their work is graded and that they have lessons for the next day.”
During asynchronous learning, homework and other assignments can be a lot to manage, but our classmates have their own ways of keeping track of everything.
Owen Fulk, a Leesville junior said via text, “[I] listen to music, and make my notes pretty!” when asked how he prefers to study. It’s been scientifically proven that listening to music helps with studying because music helps utilize both parts of the brain, allowing for maximum retainment. Multiple scientific studies have shown that taking notes allows students to remember more information.
A lot of students claim that organization is key. One student, Olivia, said via text, “Have my schedule and to-dos well planned out!” Being organized is crucial to doing well in school.
Many LRHS students also sometimes have trouble keeping several things well organized. In general, virtual learning has been difficult to adjust with relying on reading textbooks, watching online videos, and asking their peers for help more than ever due to not being able to see teachers in person and for not as long.
Both students and teachers are having a difficult time with virtual learning because it takes more time to do every little thing. Making illustrations for notes and listening to music are two good ways to learn new information, remember the most, and to ace your classes!

Hi! My name is Isabel and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. I am also a member of Leesville’s Math Club.
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