Students at Leesville come from all different backgrounds and cultures, but there is one thing every student has in common–they all listen to music. Music allows students to disconnect from our current reality, being stuck at home with nothing to do, and step into a new realm.
Whether it’s hard rock, rap, or classical music, every person has their go to tracks that they play when it’s time to step back, jam out, and just take a break from life.
(Photo courtesy of Lyric Chassin)
Based on an Instagram poll of 50 Leesville Road High School Students, from ages 14-18, Hip Hop/Trap Music is the most popular music genre to listen to. Coming in second, Pop music is 21% of students’ favorite genre. Rock and Alternative/Indie follow behind at 17% and 14%. There are so many other genres of music–from jazz, to rap, to soul, to country. All of those fall under the Other category, taking up 14% of the student population’s favorite genres.
Some of these genres also take up the top spots of music styles in 2020. According to toplistin, Hip Hop/Rap is the most popular genre, with a 15.6% domination of streams. Alternative rock is at the #5 slot, with 8.35%.
(Photo courtesy of Lyric Chassin)
There are many different ways to stream music. Based on an Instagram Poll of 50 Leesville Road High School students, ages 14-18, 71% of Leesville Students use Spotify for streaming their music. Apple Music is also popular; 18% of students use it. The other 11% covers streaming services that aren’t as popular. These services include Amazon Music, SoundCloud, Youtube Music, and Musi. Listeners can only use a majority of these services with payment.
Despite the differences between streaming platforms and students’ favorite genres, music is a common factor in all lives. Music brings everyone together and lets you express yourself through what you enjoy.

Hi! My name is Lyric and I am a senior editor and the website editor for The Mycenaean. I am also Vice President of Quill and Scroll Society, Makeup Crew Head, and a member of National English Honor Society.
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