On the Leesville webpage you can find descriptions of how Homecoming 2020 is being run. The “from home,” week-long event includes dress-up days and a socially distanced parade that is explained more clearly on the Leesville home page. (Photo Courtesy of Alexis Mast)
Leesville Road High School may not be able to organize a normal Homecoming on the week of October 19, but that doesn’t stop the students and staff from organizing parades, spirit week, and celebrations.
Though Leeville hasn’t hosted a Homecoming dance in its recent years, Leesville hosts a spirit week and homecoming parade, while students typically gather together for celebrations of their own. The Leesville student body is doing what they do best by showing pride and recreating those weekend celebrations despite the change in what Homecoming is like this year.
Meanwhile, few Leesville clubs and organizations are stepping up by encouraging students to participate in a virtual spirit week. The Executive Council meticulously worked with the class council’s to put together a “COVID-19 friendly” spirit week and parade.
During the spirit week which took place from October 19 through October 23, each day students had the opportunity to dress to the occasion of the themed day and send in photos of proving their participation. Monday’s theme was “Mask Monday,” Tuesday was “Hawaiian Out Tuesday,” Wednesday was “Class Colors Wednesday,” Thursday was “Hat Thursday,” and Friday was “Neon Out Friday.”
Jeslyn Camilo, the sophomore class council president, has access to most of the Homecoming information as soon as decisions are made. She said, “This year feels just like the other years,” via text.
She, too, is gathering with friends to celebrate on the weekends aside from the parade and spirit week organization she’s already done for “Mock Hoco 2020.”
All clubs through Leesville had a chance to be part of the Homecoming parade, which like all other Homecoming events this year, was optional and required in-depth virtual communication. If a club agreed to be part of the parade, they were told when to set up their contributions to the parade and that they try their best to follow this year’s spirit week theme which is “Neon Fall.”
Despite the challenges with Leesville’s 2020 Homecoming week, the student body has made a large attempt to preserve some normality. This year’s themed days were still encouraged over virtual school, clubs were given the opportunity to create and represent during a modified Homecoming parade, and students still gathered with their friends to celebrate the annual fall event with some modifications.
Amongst the mess of a year, the Leesville Road student body still attempted to organize and create a familiar homely-feel that is usually part Homecoming week.

Hi! I’m Alexis Mast, but I answer to Lex as well. I’m a year round and high school swimmer whose been in Newspaper class since sophomore year. I write about anything, everything, and trending Leesville news.
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